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1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 As in Fact You Are living

by fol CHURCH on September 16, 2019

Imagine how that felt to these readers as they receive yet more encouragement from Paul in Chapter 4. They are already carrying out the instructions of Paul. So that he doesn’t take a huge amount of time giving them further instructions. Keep doing this more and more!  This Thessalonian Church probably consisted of Jews converted on Paul’s 3 visits to the synagogue and a larger group of Gentile workers working at trades like Paul did as a tent-maker.  Fewer Greek or Roman elite, not so taken up with the philosophies of the day or the wild living. Paul’s instructions are simple and clear. He doesn’t have to plead or argue, he simply reminds.

Throughout the letter Paul reminds the church to live eyes fixed on a future when Jesus will return. Look at 3.13, 2.19 and 1.10 all refer to the return of Jesus. Paul is very clear that this is where we’re all going! The hardships however grim are temporary but the glory is eternal and the Thessalonians must stay ready, able to obey and endure.

Paul’s letters are often quite clearly intended to bring a church to think about a particular issue or behaviour and some of them are very clearly rebuking new churches and begging them not to be driven off the right path. This letter seems more about encouragement, affirmation of believers and declaration of continued love, expectation and excitement from Paul as he sees how well they have done despite the short time they had together.

Paul is very clear about sexual purity and self-control - this Thetford-sized city was a busy port. We can easily identify with distraction and temptation at our finger-tips even in tiny Norfolk or Highland villages, we all need to keep on our guard and stay obedient.

The final verses of this extract encourage me no end. I love the excitement of events, teams, missions and pioneering but at the moment my life is very quiet. These verses remind me that this can be glorifying to God and a strong a witness to those we live amongst. Our colleagues at work and the people who we meet walking the dog or in the shop can be lifted up to Jesus in prayer over and over. Nothing is a waste in God’s time and the day by day stuff will glorify Him too.








Lord, today wherever I go and whatever I do, may I glorify you.

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