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2 Chronicles 17:1 - 19:3 Jehoshaphat and Ahab: More contrasts!

by fol CHURCH on June 16, 2021

When Asa’s son takes to the throne, the Chronicler immediately signals that this is going to be good! Notice how we are reminded of King David 17.3. Notice that he was ‘devoted’ 17.6 - this is a repeated word in the OT signifying being set apart - like animals for sacrifice - devoted for destruction - think about the whole ‘dying to self’ and the ‘living sacrifice’ idea in the New Testament, devotion is costly - but wonderful.  Look at 17.10 for the results - tribute brought to Jehoshaphat instead of war; resources so numerous new ‘store cities’ had to be built - the coffers are not misused, the picture is of abundant provision for everyone and an army to protect all. This is the result of reliance on God. This is a result of ‘seeking’ God - not just hoping He’ll turn up or look after you (even though He will) but an intentional devotion - on the altar, a sacrifice, set apart: ‘the LORD was with Jehoshaphat’ 17.3.

But there’s something else, before the abundance comes to the kingdom, Jehoshaphat does something else  (17.7-10); not just going seeking God personally but making sure the whole country knows about the LORD and follows His ways.  The word goes out; the result is safety and prosperity. Exactly like Jesus’ teaching - seeking Him first.

Ahab’s behaviour in Chapter 18 is such a contrast. We might wonder why Jehoshaphat would make this alliance- so what’s God wanting to teach us here? In this chapter Ahab scorns God’s word just as he did with Elijah, he seems to attempt to trick Jehoshaphat into being killed in order to avoid death himself (so that didn’t go well for him!) and there’s the bravery of God’s people in the face of punishment and imprisonment in the shape of Micaiah ‘I can only tell him what my God says.’ And His word to Ahab is clear - God wants him dead and defeated.

Another contrast between two kings.  The Chronicler uses Jehoshaphat as a model of how kingship can be. So in the battle Jehoshaphat cries out to the LORD (18.31) but Ahab is killed just as God had said. There is no escape just as God said.

So what’s the challenge to us now? We thank God for those who stand for Him in the face of opposition to His word and His ways, understanding that He calls us all to do this. We pray for devoted hearts and again thank Him that He gives us everything we need to be His people today















Read 2 Peter 1.3 and pray that God would show you all the places where he has blessed you and continues to bless you.

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