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2 Corinthians 6 New Relationships

by on August 02, 2024

Paul keeps encouraging his readers to continue to work in partnership with God. We’ve only got today to be saved and to live as the saved! We are still in the age of grace, even now ~ 2000 years later, and we don’t know how long we’ve got. Paul was a faithful servant in his day, ‘willing to suffer many intense afflictions to honour Christ and see lives transformed for his kingdom.’ (The Tony Evans Study Bible). He’s a great example of a godly leader, loving his flock, being truthful, open and honest. How far are we prepared to go to see people’s lives changed?

In addition, Paul is urging the Corinthian church members not to be “yoked together with those who do not believe.” (v.14) Our new life will result in a new way of living, as well as new relationships. Dr Tony Evans makes this helpful observation: ‘Whether it’s a romantic relationship, intimate friendship, or a business partnership, such compromise negatively affects your intimacy with God. When you align yourself with those whose beliefs and lives are far from God, you’ll find God distancing himself from you, too.’

What is the Holy Spirit whispering to you? Do you need to let go of a relationship you know isn’t right?

In 1 Corinthians 7 we have already been reading about sexual relationships between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife. The Bible’s teaching is still: marriage for life between a man and a woman; no sex outside of marriage (even when engaged);no cohabitation; divorce only in special cases ( adultery, an unbelieving partner wanting to leave, ongoing, unrepentant abuse perpetrated by a partner)...

We also need to choose our friends wisely, as Psalm 1 stresses, because they have the potential to lead us away from God. Of course, we should have non-Christian friends, but be careful how much space and influence you give them in your life.

A business relationship with someone who doesn’t subscribe to the same ethical standards can be a hindrance in our relationship with God, too, as there might be the pressure to act in opposition to God’s teaching.




Action: v.17 is the right course of action for someone in a wrong relationship.

Repentance and (re)turning to our merciful God will help … pray accordingly

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