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2 Kings 5:1-27 Healing by Humbleness

by fol CHURCH on October 13, 2020

When reading this passage, I was intrigued that Jesus also makes reference to Naaman’s healing noted in Luke 4:27. Jesus highlighted, “And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.”

Based on Jesus’ sum-up, Naaman’s experience was a unique event and Jesus was also linking it to challenge the attitude of those in Nazareth during the unveiling of His ministry. It is also a challenge for each of us. The challenge of having humility of heart.

Naaman is described as ‘a great and honourable man in the eyes of his master’, a man ‘the Lord had given victory, and ‘a mighty man of valour, but a leper.’ In the natural, Naaman could have been very proud given his position. Having such an affliction could have caused anger and hardness. But rather than react with anger, Naaman listens to the counsel of a little servant girl. How wonderful that out of the mouths of babes, God has ordained praise to Him!

 I can remember a time I was desperately seeking the Lord’s advice, pacing around the kitchen while my little girl was playing at doing the washing up. When suddenly she turned to me, pointing at me with the washing up brush, and said, ‘Mummy, being brave doesn’t mean looking for trouble!’ And then returned to her game. This may have been just a quote from the Lion King for her, but to me it seemed to be the word in season for all my seeking! I remember how easily I was able to open my heart to receive it because it was out of a child’s mouth.

So, Naaman follows the advice of his servant girl, but following official protocol, he has a letter written to the king of Israel. The king wisely admits he has no power to heal this man, and also is humble in his way! With that Elisha is able to reach out with God’s gift of healing. However, Elisha is also careful to be humble. So, he sends his servant to meet Naaman at the door with a message to wash 7 times in the Jordan. Initially, Naaman is furious as he thought Elisha would meet him in person. After all, the rivers back in Syria seemed better! But once again, it is through a servant with humility who turns Naaman to become humble and do the simple thing of washing in the Jordan. And Naaman is healed!








Lord God, please help me to be humble, so that it might also open a door for others to be humble and receive from You. Amen

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