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Acts 18:23 – 19:22 The Importance of Correct Teaching

by fol CHURCH on August 14, 2018

After staying in Antioch for a while Paul decided to travel through the regions of Galatia and Phrygia to encourage some disciple groups that were already established.  Meanwhile, a Jewish man named Apollos, arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria. Apollos had great knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures and was also a powerful teacher, however, he knew nothing about Jesus’ life, death, resurrection or the Holy Spirit.  His spiritual understanding was limited therefore, and his knowledge and experience went no further than the ministry of John the Baptist.  Priscilla and Aquila recognised his need and befriended him and took him home to instruct him about Jesus Christ about all He had done on earth, and about the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Being further strengthened he then preached and debated fervently with the unbelieving Jews, many of whom became convinced that Jesus was indeed their Messiah!

After Paul’s journeying he returned to Ephesus meeting up with a group of men who also understood nothing about the Holy Spirit.  Paul explained to them how to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and that John the Baptist’s baptism was only a sign of repentance.  Note, all those who were baptised by Paul also received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  What an opportunity Paul had – to teach and debate in the Synagogue for three months, but it appears some conflict, and a lack of understanding caused Paul to change his teaching venue to meet in what might be called a “School Room!”  He spent two years building up the believers – Jews and Greeks in that Province of Asia. 

When Jesus performed miracles we recognise three purposes in his actions: 

1) To show His compassion and to meet humans needs

2) To teach spiritual truths 

3) To demonstrate Jesus’ authenticity as the Messiah of the world. 

The apostles followed this pattern too.  We read in Mark 16:20, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”  God helped Paul perform many amazing miracles, even in Ephesus which was a well known centre for the occult.  Paul was able to demonstrate God’s power to the Ephesians and others.  We need to remember that wherever God is working Satan will send a counterfeit to oppose His work.  Jewish priests were known to attempt exorcisms, but since these Jews in verses 11 following, had no relationship with Jesus, they failed. 






Thank you Father God that we can know and have your power and authority to live for Jesus Christ to bring peace, joy and healing to others.  For His glory, Amen.

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