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Acts 2: 14 – 3: 10 Peter Addresses the Crowd

by fol CHURCH on September 12, 2020

Imagine – no training, no Theological Degree, no hesitation, but Peter stepped up to take the lead!  It just so happened that there were many “God-fearing Jews” staying in Jerusalem.  Hearing so many different languages being spoken, a great crowd grew.  Many were “bewildered” because they actually understood what was being said, “How is it that these Galilean men are speaking our language?” the people asked!  Check out the different nationalities represented that day – Parthians, Medes, Elamites (v.10-13) - no wonder it was noisy!  However, although accused of being drunk, Peter, supported by the other disciples, rose to the occasion.  He preached persuasively using Old Testament Scriptures from Joel and the Psalms, which would have appealed to the Jews, probably using “everyday Aramaic” so that the crowds understood too! 

The crowds that day were already amazed at the events around them, and then the healing of the Blind Beggar at Solomon’s Colonnade, who must have been very well known, was staggering!  We need to remember however, that these brave and enthusiastic early believers were in unity and they had been praising God and meeting for prayer!  They certainly did not procrastinate but spoke out about Jesus Christ and all that the people could know and experience by believing and trusting in Him.

We should note too that those early believers were devoted to the Apostles’ teaching and that they met regularly for fellowship with each other, for prayer and for the breaking of bread.  We read that they were “devoted” to each other and shared everything they had, even selling their possessions and goods to help each other.

How do we match up?  Are you willing to speak of Jesus to others, or do you need more confidence to do that?  Amazingly the Holy Spirit is available to you at any time!  We can pray, praise and know God’s presence in a very real and active way, and should all be assured that God is still as powerful and willing bless to us with the precious Holy Spirit whatever our needs are, and the needs of our friends and family.  As we meet with colleagues, friends and families may we be constantly praying for, and recognising when and what to say to them about Jesus Christ.  Perhaps we need to remember to pray for them before we meet too!  Furthermore, may we be in unity with each other, which we have seen today in our reading is so vital.  As Paul wrote to the Ephesians – “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  Ephesians 4:2 - 3.




Dear Lord, bless us to be willing to speak to others about you, fill our hearts and minds with words of wisdom and truth and grant us the obedience to follow the prompting of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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