Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
What is the purpose of ‘work’? Is it ‘to put food on the table’ – earn a living? Is it to bring self-fulfilment and satisfaction? Is to benefit other people? Is it to use the gifts, abilities and talents that God has blessed or endowed us with? Well, yes, according to God’s word in the Bible it can be all of those things. But, it is also more than these things too.
Paul makes the point that our work is supremely for God’s glory, because when we act according to His image in us – which includes our gifts, abilities and talents – then we glorify Him by being obedient to the way He has uniquely designed us.
Note that this verse is written in the context of serving earthly masters – the implication being that the masters (in a culture of slavery) do not know Jesus (are not Christians in today’s language). So, even the most mundane of work, even when the working environment is not as God would want it to be, can be turned on its head when our attitude is that we are serving God not man.
That is not to say, of course, that we should not be militant in our contention for good working practice, employee rights etc, but the point is we serve a higher Master and His rewards will far outstrip any earthly ones.
Our service is much more than our employment. Work is ‘whatever we do’ (v.23). The call is to be faithful in our service all our lives as best as we are able. (1 Cor 15:58). The promise here is an inheritance from the Lord. How exciting! What will it be I wonder? Will our future inheritance in eternity in some way reflect how faithful we have served in our times? The suggestion of Scripture is ‘yes it will’! (See Matt 16:27; Eph 6:8; 1 Cor 3:14).
I guess ideally our motivation for service should be love – for God and for others. But the idea of a future inheritance encourages us to focus our lives on building up an inheritance for eternity rather than leaving great riches on earth.
Father God, I love you and desire to do your work here on earth for so long as I am able. Teach me your ways and help me to serve you with a joyful abandonment to your will. May your purpose be fulfilled in my life. In Jesus name. Amen.