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Job 11:1 – 12:25 Suffering believer

by fol CHURCH on March 23, 2019

Today’s passage begins with Job’s third comforter Zophar the Naamathite. His reaction is perhaps the most stringent of the three comforters. He is blunt and to the point in saying that what has happened to Job is as a direct result of his sin. I find it very easy reading this book to be totally overwhelmed by the enormity and magnitude of the suffering experienced by Job. However, to do this misses the point of what God is saying through this account. The central theme is undoubtedly the suffering of the innocent and its explanation in terms of the purposes and character of God.


Job’s comforters, including Zophar, are certain that Job’s suffering is as a direct result of his sinfulness. The reality is the opposite. Job’s suffering is totally unrelated to any sin he may have committed. Jobs suffering demonstrates how a righteous person may have to suffer in order to demonstrate obedience to God and to silence the accusation of Satan. Indeed this is a foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ who through His suffering was made perfect for our salvation.


At the end of today’s reading Job begins his reply to Zophar and his other two friends Bildad and Eliphaz. He states that indeed the wicked do sometimes prosper and goes on to speak of the wisdom and power of God. In our world today we often see people who are far away from the ways of God and yet they are perceived as successful and having everything materially speaking. But how much more do we then hear of how the same person succumbs to addiction of some sort or looks for fulfilment in other unhealthy forms. For me, in these cases, they are trying to fill the God-shaped hole I believe we all have in our hearts with something other than God.


Often when we are suffering in any way, shape or form it is our default position to ask God what we could learn from the experience. It is human nature to ask ‘why’ as well and to want to understand what fault may be apportioned to both ourselves or another party. Sometimes though ‘stuff’ just happens! There can sometimes be no apparent reason for such occurrences, and it is then that we rely on our faith and confidence in our loving and merciful God who we have the privilege of knowing, through Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.






Dear Lord. When suffering comes let me be certain that your loving arms are around me and that you walk with me always. Through Jesus Christ Amen.

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