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Psalm 111:1-10 Great is Thy Faithfulness

by on September 17, 2021

Psalms 111 and 112 along with 115 – 117 are called “Hallelujah” Psalms as either they begin or end with “Praise the Lord!”  Life was not at all easy for the Jewish remnant that returned to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon.  Their neighbours were hostile, the Persian officials were often uncooperative, and the economic situation was extremely difficult.  Ezra the Scribe and the Prophet Haggai both tell us that the Jewish people were not always faithful to the Lord God, or generous to each other!  This was the reason why God withheld His blessings to them!

It is thought that this Psalm might have been written by one of the Levites in order to remind the people to put the Lord first and to trust Him to meet their every need!  We should remember that at the beginning of the world, God’s Word brought everything into being, and that His Word keeps things together!   Check this out by reading Psalm 33 verses 6-11!  How very important it is to know and to remember that God’s Word is totally trustworthy and that we can utterly rely on it.  His precepts are given in love and His promises never fail. 

Do you remember that hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness Oh God my Father!”?  We should praise and thank God daily for His compassion, generosity, grace, and overwhelming love!  As the people of God in the 21st Century, we own His name, and we should want to glorify His name in all we do!  To the Jews God’s name was so awesome that they would not speak the name “Jehovah”, but substituted the name “Adonai”, in case they inadvertently blasphemed His name!


Dear Father God, thank you for your incredible compassion, generosity, grace, and overwhelming love which you shower on us.  Please help me to honour your Name in all I do, expressing your love with all those I meet and with whom I interact.   For the sake of your Son Jesus, Amen. 


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