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Romans 14:1-14:23 Weak and Strong

by fol CHURCH on September 22, 2018

I want to begin this note with reference to the final comment from today’s passage ‘and everything that does not come from faith is sin’ (v.23). This really hit me as I read the passage. It’s a truly powerful statement and I want to encourage you now to pause whilst reading this and really consider what it means to you. As you pause and absorb the enormity of this begin to try and apply it to things in your life now. If we can begin to apply it to the uppermost things in our minds our hopes and prayers should then be that we seek to apply it to everything in life.  In doing this we allow ourselves to be available for God to use and work out His purposes through us.

At the time this letter was written, there was much concern amongst first century Christians over the matter of whether to eat meat or not. It was so controversial that Paul spends this entire chapter addressing the point. For many it was a time of change in religious history. A time of change from Mosaic regime to the Christian age. Because of the diverse backgrounds, religious and cultural, on the part of both Jews and gentiles, many problems arose that threatened unity in the body of Christ.

Paul began by contrasting those who were weak and those who were strong. He talked about faith and not physical strength or weakness. He instructed that those of great strength in faith should be patient and long suffering allowing this who are weak as much time as they need to grow in strength. This may mean offering wisdom or personal testimony of how Christ has impacted their lives. We should do the same today. Faith and the various degrees of it are a gift from God. I am reminded of the words sometimes used at communion that say ‘Come those who know Christ a little and those who know Him a lot ’. As the body of Christ we should all want to help and nurture the parts of the body which still have things to learn to enable them to function completely. After all we are all a work in progress and as such continue to grow in faith to the very end of our respective journeys. Paul promoted unity in matters which didn’t affect the integrity of the Christian faith eg. The eating of certain foods or the honouring of particular days.

Ultimately we should all pursue the things that make peace and strive to build one another up.





Lord God help me today to grow in my faith in all that I see, do and say for Jesus’ sake Amen

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