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John 14 House Swap: The Believer, the Holy Spirit, the Father and Son

by on April 15, 2024

In John 14, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit as the Advocate, the Helper who will be with us forever.  This promise underscores the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministry endeavours.  As disciples, we are not left alone but are empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit, who equips us to further the Kingdom of God.

The “house swap” metaphor in John 14 begins by Jesus telling us that His Father’s house in Heaven has many rooms. Jesus is promising His disciples that, when He comes back from the dead He will make His ragtag bunch of followers into an army reigning with Him in heaven both in this life and in the next (see Ephesians 1:20-21 and 2:6).

In verses 22-24, the Father and Son would also relocate through the Holy Spirit to their new dwelling places which Jesus had purchased with His blood. (2 Cor 6:16).  With God living in us we must be confident in our authority over “the prince of this world” who has no hold over Jesus and therefore no hold over anyone who dwells in Christ. We can attack Satan’s crumbling kingdom as those who have the upper hand. As children of God, we are part of His household dwelling in His presence and experiencing His love and care.  We are called to reflect His love and grace to others.

Finally, Jesus encourages us to pray in His name, promising that whatever we ask in His name will be done.  Prayer aligns our hearts with God’s will and empowers us to be effective witnesses for Christ.













How can we boldly proclaim Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life in our interactions with non-believers?


Thank you, Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides us in our mission as disciples of Christ. Help us as to abide in Christ, reflect His love ad proclaim His truth boldly. 

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