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1 Corinthians 13 Sometimes Love

by on July 22, 2024

Sometimes love can be quiet

And sometimes love can be still

But always love patient

And is a choice of our will


Sometimes love can be vibrant

Sometimes it’s not easily felt

But always love its eternal

And is never boastful or proud


Sometimes love can be tender

Then sometimes hard to express

But always love is truthful

And believes in the very best


Sometimes love can be exciting

And love can sometimes be sweet

For love is always trusting

And chooses never to envy


Sometimes love can be painful

Then sometimes love’s is like a song

But always love is forgiving

And keeps no record of wrongs


Sometimes love can be gentle

Then sometimes it’s just a word

But always love protects and hopes

And love is always preserved


Love is never self-seeking

And is never angered or rude

Love can never fail us

For God’s Love is faithful and true





In this chapter Paul sets out for the Corinthians what real love is and how it works. Great faith, acts of dedication or service and miracle working power produce very little without love. Love makes our actions and our gifts useful, although people have different gifts, love is available to everyone.

Our society infuses love and lust. Unlike lust, God’s agape love is directed outwards to others not inwards towards self. Love should be totally unselfish. It is hard, it goes against our natural instincts, but with the help of the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us we can set aside all our own desires and inclinations so we can give love without expecting something in return. The more we become more like Jesus, the more love will we show to others.




How do you interpret the qualities of love described in this chapter?

How do they challenge or affirm your understanding of love?

Which characteristics of love do you find most challenging to implement in your life, and why?


Dear Lord Jesus, help me accept the love you have for me and help me to be able to show your love to others. Amen.

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