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1 Corinthians 14 Pursue Love and Desire Spiritual Gifts

by on July 23, 2024

Speaking in tongues had become an issue in the Corinthian church because of the misuse of the gift. It had caused disorder to the worship services and the Corinthian believers were using the gift as a sign of spiritual superiority rather than a means of spiritual unity.

Paul reminds the church everything they do must be done with love ‘pursue love’ meaning they should ardently work to develop that characteristic. Paul tells the Corinthians to desire spiritual gifts, since they cannot be worked for or earned, but must be received as a gift from God's Spirit. The aim being to build up not push down. Properly used the gifts encourage the whole body of believers to grow.

In our own times of prayer using the gift of tongues can edify us, ‘build us up’, and in times of trials and tribulations when we come to the end of our own vocabulary we can express our hurt, pain and desires to God by using tongues. Tongues and interpretation used within the worship service can also be beneficial to the edification of the church. But underlying in the operation of any of the gifts is love;

I was told once that a dove has nine primary flight feathers on each wing. These feathers are the ones that keep the bird balanced in flight. Just as there are nine gifts of the Spirit there are nine fruits of the Spirit and if we operate the gifts of the Spirit with the fruits of the Spirit, we then are balanced. 

Paul concludes the chapter by stating again his two essential principles for worship services. Christians in a given congregation cannot claim special privileges or knowledge over other believers. All are subject to the same tests of truth and love. Everything must be done in an orderly and peaceful way, reflecting God's orderly character.









How does Paul's discussion of tongues and prophecy shape your understanding of spiritual gifts?

How can we ensure that our pursuit of spiritual gifts leads to the edification of the church rather than self-promotion?


Holy Spirit please help me to ‘eagerly desire spiritual gifts; not for me but for the building of Your Kingdom. Amen.

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