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1 Corinthians 16 Stand Firm in the Faith

by on July 25, 2024

In the final chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth he gives instructions about a special collection and shares details of his upcoming travel plans. In this season of his ministry Paul was raising funds for the Christian Jews living in Jerusalem. They were suffering persecution because of their faith in Christ and were also in extreme poverty. Paul was collecting donations from many of the Gentile churches he had helped to establish and he makes it clear that he wants them to have the donations ready for when he arrives to save having to scramble at the last moment. This good practice continues today as we at FoL (and other churches) donate a proportion of our income to those in need in our community and further afield. Open Doors specifically supports the persecuted churches across the world, protecting and helping those who stand strong in the faith in spite of the threats they face.

Paul reveals his plans to return to Corinth to spend time with them before the following winter. Paul planned to send Timothy to Corinth and asked that they treat him well and send him back in peace and that no one should treat him with contempt. He tells them to be watchful whilst standing firm in the faith, to be courageous and strong in resisting false teaching. And, he adds that everything they do should be done in love. Paul then commends the family of Stephanus to the Corinthians as the first converts to faith in Christ in the region of Corinth and that they should submit to their leadership. Paul tells them how much they had refreshed his spirit and theirs and that they deserved recognition.

Paul signs off with greetings from the churches in Asia which included Ephesus. These were also sent from Aquila and Priscilla and from all believers known to Paul. He finishes by taking the pen from his scribe writing a blessing in his own hand. He curses anyone with no love for the Lord and prays for the grace of the Lord Jesus to be with them.









When faced with challenges about your faith from those opposed to your views how do you react. Are you able to respond with integrity and respect in love? Do you seek courage and the right words from the Holy Spirit to respond with gentleness?


Lord God, please help me to stand firm in my faith when challenges come my way. Give me courage and strength to respond in love that I may in some way reveal your love for them. Amen.

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