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1 Corinthians 3:8-9 Co-workers in God’s Service

by on March 18, 2025

“The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour. For we are co-workers in God’s service: you are God’s field, God’s building.”

Paul uses an agricultural analogy to get across a very strong point to the Christians in Corinth. All are called to spread the gospel and all are given gifts and talents by God to serve Him. Paul uses the analogy of planting and watering to emphasise that while different people may contribute to the growth of the church through their ministry it is only God can produce true growth. Paul’s point in these verses is essentially stating that both “planters” (those who evangelise) and “waterers” (those who expound the word) are equally important and will receive their own reward based on their labour. No one gift or God given talent is better than another. The problem in the Corinthian church and remains in the church today is that some Christians deem their ministry as more important than another.

Paul is stressing that despite different roles in ministry (like preaching and teaching), all Christians are working towards the same goal, building up the church and should not be divided by personal allegiances to specific leaders or ministries.  The real power to produce spiritual change lies with God not with any human worker, no matter how gifted or dedicated they may be. “For we are God’s fellow workers” is a reminder to us all that our primary responsibility is to serve God and work alongside Him in His ministry and not to seek personal recognition or praise from others. Our role is to serve God and His church, not to build personal followings. We, at the Fountain of Life, are to work together as a team, appreciating the gifts and contributions of each other without focusing on who is better or more important.





Consider your God given gift(s) - are you using it fully to the furtherance of God’s kingdom in the church and beyond?

Can you identify if there are any egos hindering growth in the church?


Thank you, Lord, for the gifts you have given me. Help me I pray to use them for the benefit of building your church and protect me from developing any sense of importance and remain humble in serving you and your calling. Amen. 

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