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1 John 2:23 A True Father

by on March 25, 2025

23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray he made the audacious claim that we could call God ‘Father’. It is one of the key distinctions that makes the Christian faith unique – only Jesus is the way to the Father. What does it mean to have God as Father? Some thoughts.

First, it means we’re adopted by Him into His family. We are totally undeserving, we have no position or pedigree to commend ourselves, we are utterly powerless, it’s all about his choice, his desire, his willingness to sacrifice himself. How extraordinary that He could love a wretch like me.

Second, it means we have an inheritance – we are heirs, and we begin to inherit now. Our inheritance is in heaven, kept for us, it will never wear out or diminish in value, it is eternally secure. Yet, we receive dividends this side of heaven. His presence lives in us. We begin to acquire the family resemblance through the Holy Spirit bearing His fruit (Gal 5:22,23); we are equipped for every good work taking our place in the family business of extending the Kingdom of God.

Third, it means we have someone who cares deeply about us. He is full of compassion and love towards us. Despite our messy, broken, fragile lives he loves us so much that He gave His Son that we might be cleaned up, made whole and renewed in strength. Like the prodigal Father of Luke 15, our God will neither forsake nor forget us, He can’t wait for us to turn to Him, He is ready to welcome us home, clothe us, feed us, restore us and throw a party in our honour. He knows our every need before we even have a chance to put it into words, and he is with us on the journey of life, however hard, painful or mysterious it becomes.

Finally, it means we have a Father who cares about us enough to discipline us when we are in danger of going astray. Discipline is evidence of the Father’s love and our position as His deeply loved children (Heb 12:8).




Do you sense in some way His restraining hand upon you? Perhaps a sense that something isn’t quite right, an unease about a behaviour or attitude that you have, a conviction to change course in some way. These can all be signs of his discipline in some way. Ask your Father to clarify how he wants you to respond.


Praise God that in Christ you have access to the Father through the Spirit. (Eph 2:18)

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