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1 Thessalonians 1 Chosen

by on September 11, 2024

I love how Paul begins this letter, by reminding the people of this church that they are chosen - purely the fact that they have heard and responded to the gospel means they are chosen by God to be a part of His kingdom.  That means that you are also chosen, if you’re reading this and have accepted Jesus, you have been chosen.

I have had a couple of points in my life where I thought that I had just slipped in un-noticed into this life and that I’m here by accident and I’m sure I can’t be the only one who ever thought this.  Well, the truth is that in verse 4, we are re-assured that we are chosen if the gospel was preached to us and the Holy Spirit (whether you knew it was Him or not) gave us a conviction (full belief) that it was true. 

The next part that gives me peace-of-mind is that Paul doesn’t necessarily congratulate them on their preaching or methods of evangelising (although they are doing that and Paul is pleased with what they are doing) but it’s how they act as well!  People from the surrounding regions are seeing how they are living a life that is different to those around them and that is speaking volumes, especially about how hospitable they are.  Actions are important and after hearing the gospel and turning to Jesus, those around them are seeing it’s making a difference in their lives. That’s what happens when you realise that you are actually chosen and you’re wanted rather than just thinking you’ve ‘snuck in’. 

I wonder if sometimes my actions (and maybe yours too) don’t always line up with what we believe and sometimes go back to (as Paul calls it) ‘idols’ (which really means their old religion and ways of life worldliness) because we forget the simple and wonderful truth that we are ‘chosen’ for this life - picked out, sought out, wanted because we (you) are!






For the next week, before you get out of bed, remind yourself that you are Chosen by God - actually say it out loud so your ears hear it - Speaking out truths is powerful and will help you remember and understand it.


Father God, please don’t let me forget that I am chosen and accepted by you. Holy Spirit, please remind me that I am chosen and lead me in my thoughts, words and actions.

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