I remember when I first became a Christian and gave my life to Jesus that I was on a complete high for quite a while and that nothing could or would change that. I wanted to share this new life experience with everyone so wonderful was it. What I didn’t know and wasn’t prepared for was the inevitable slide down the mountain into the valleys of everyday life. This inevitability follows all who give their lives to Jesus as the devil attacks in any way possible to knock you off track, discourage you even to the point of questioning whether you had made the right decision. These challenges and attacks by the evil one often referred to as persecution even happened to Paul. After his Damascus Road experience, he encountered numerous attacks in an attempt to not only deter but to ruin his ministry in spreading the gospel to Jew and Gentile alike.
In our passage today, Paul tells the Thessalonians that he could stand it (the persecution) no longer and just wanted to be left alone in Athens. What he didn’t do was to abandon them. Instead he sent brother and co-worker Timothy to them to strengthen and encourage them in their faith in spite of his own challenges fearing that they too might be attacked by the devil (v.1-5). However, Paul’s fears turned out to be unfounded and Timothy returned to him with good news about them. This must have given him much joy and encouragement so that when he was feeling able to visit them again he would do so and would be able to correct any deficiencies in their faith. Paul prays that God would strengthen them and that their love would increase and overflow for each other. Life isn’t always a bed of roses but some challenges test our faith even to the point that like Paul we just want to be left alone. The lesson for me is that even during those darkest moments Paul remained proactive by sending his brother in Christ to do what he felt unable to do.
When you face persecution in life how do you respond? Are you likely to respond by going inward and hiding yourself away or do you fight with the help of the Holy Spirit to defy and deny the devil any sense of victory over you?
Lord God, thank you for your love and faithfulness. Help us to defy the attacks of Satan that we may become stronger in our faith and encourage others to do the same and that their love would increase and overflow for one another. Amen.