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1 Thessalonians 4 Righteous Living

by on September 16, 2024

How well do you think you are doing in keeping a moral Christian lifestyle; pretty good, average or could do better? We are all aware of what is expected of us as representatives of Jesus on earth but we are also aware of the temptations we encounter through pagan behaviour that lure us into crossing that proverbial line and doing something we know is not God’s way.  This is nothing new of course as the devil attempts to draw us away from God’s way and into the world’s way. Paul reminds the Thessalonians that having been instructed to live in order to please God. It’s something he recognises they are already doing, but feels it necessary to urge them to continue to live God’s way and to do it even more and more for fear that they might succumb to the pagan way of living. He teaches that it is God’s will that they should be sanctified.

Paul specifically refers to sexual immorality and that they should learn to control their bodies in a way that is holy and honourable. In fact, anyone who rejects these instructions rejects God and will be subject to His judgement. Paul exhorts his readers to practice brotherly love, to live a peaceful life, to mind their own business and to work in order to provide for their needs. This is so true for us today. This is not only important as an act of obedience towards God but living an exemplary life also provides evidence to a non-believer about the power of Christ in our lives and win the respect of doubters opening up doors to share the gospel. Paul closes this chapter explaining that when Jesus returns he will bring those who believe in Him to be with Him in heaven and to be encouraged by these words.










Living the Christian life has its challenges in today’s world when opposition and even ridicule is aimed at our moral values. When faced with worldly temptations how strong willed are you in resisting; how do you counter these often strong pulls away from God’s way and stay on the narrow path laid before us by God?


Lord God, thank you for your Holy Spirit who lives within me and helps me to resist the temptations of this world. Always guide and lead me in the way of righteousness and may my witness be seen by the unbeliever in order that they may be drawn to you and into everlasting life. Amen.

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