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1 Timothy 4 Sage Advice

by on November 13, 2023

Paul has quite a knack for packing a lot into a short passage. I think there’s probably enough in today’s reading to fill several sermons. His general theme is designed to help keep a young church leader on the right track. He warns Timothy about distractions from the truth and encourages him to stick to the things he knows are true and to press into the gifting that he has clearly exhibited so far. Most of all he says, “Put your hope in the living God who is the Saviour of all men.” (v.10) – Sound advice indeed!

As you read this chapter you get a real sense of Paul’s genuine concern for Timothy. He understands the issues that he’s having to deal with and he has a real sense of what’s important. I don’t know how you feel about the way life goes but there have been many occasions when I have needed someone to stop me and remind me what it’s important and what’s not. So often our thinking is absorbed by the most immediate problem that we stop seeing the big picture. We begin to stray from track a little while we deal with our problems or the ones caused by those around us.

I wonder how many of us have a ‘Paul’ in our lives who are able to do this for us? Someone who can take an objective view of the circumstances and remind us what’s really important. I have valued the advice of a wise friend many times and have sought it when problems and issues seem to be crowding in. If we’re honest we all need a little sage advice from time to time, don’t we?














Do you have a friend who you can talk things through with? Are you a friend to someone else who you can bless and support?


Lord God, help us to keep a clear head and a heart that’s focussed on You. Bless us with wise counsel and good friends who can help us to stay on track with You. Amen.

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