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2 Corinthians 1 Praise God of all Comfort

by on July 26, 2024

Paul often begins his letters by expressing his thanks to God for his readers and God’s work in their lives. This time though at the beginning of his second letter to the church in Corinth he begins by praising God for his comfort to those who experience affliction. Life is something of a roller coaster as we experience both the highs and lows and of life. Sometimes life seems infinitely more painful than the less experienced joys when our question about God’s favour and comfort becomes more and more intense in asking the question “Where are you God.” It is during these times when we seek God’s reassurance and comfort that He is there in the midst of our troubles and we will receive His comfort in order that we may give comfort to others.

The Corinthians seem to have been aware of Paul’s most recent experience of suffering for Christ’s sake. Some, it seems, questioned why an apostle of Jesus Christ should suffer so much. Shouldn’t he be protected by his connection to God’ power? Perhaps you have asked that very question yourself during a particularly dark and painful period in your life; a time when you have felt far from being comforted. Paul’s response is that his suffering as an apostle made it possible for the Corinthians to receive the gospel. And, the comfort he has received from God in his suffering has allowed him to comfort them when they experience suffering as he has. Perhaps the Corinthians didn’t understand how severe Paul’s recent suffering was. He describes himself and his companions as being burdened beyond their own strength and being forced to rely on the God who raises the dead. God did deliver them and Paul invites the Corinthians to be part of God’s victory by continuing to pray for Paul and to give thanks to God for their deliverance from harm. I am all too aware that in my prayer time I am more often than not likely to launch straight in to my needs without giving praise and thanks to God for His blessings in life, especially important during those times of suffering.






Have you ever felt abandoned by God during a particularly difficult period in your life? Is giving thanks to God for His blessings number one on your prayer list? Do you feel better able to comfort others because of the comfort you have received from God?


Read the poem “Footprints in the sand’


Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings and being with me during the hard times. Thank you, Lord, that you have blessed me with your comfort and given me the strength to endure by the gift of our Holy Spirit. Amen.

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