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2 Corinthians 5:17 Transformed

by on January 03, 2025

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!

One of the greatest mistakes we make in our walk with Jesus is in thinking that the we won’t truly know what it’s like to be redeemed until we get to heaven. We often see the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour as a key moment in our journey trough life but we don’t always acknowledge it as a moment of transformation. And yet, that could not be further from the truth.

In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” The point He was trying to make was that once we’ve made the decision to walk with Him our burden of sin is ours no longer. We can happily hand it over to Jesus and leave it with Him. That was the reason He went to the cross so that we could be relieved of the burdens that we carry around with us.

The problem we have is that we allow our sense of guilt to stop us from receiving the transformation that Jesus really wants us to have. So, we confess our sins, we ask Him to take them away from us we thank Him for His gift of freedom and then we pick them up again and carry them around with us weighing ourselves down with a burden He offered to take.

If you are in Christ – you have received Jesus as your Saviour – you are made new. Your old self with your old habits and your old baggage has all been removed. You are no longer the same person. You are you 2.0. And yes, you’ll make more mistakes and you’ll need to bring them before Him too. But, you’ll find yourself making fewer of them and you’ll notice that the more time you spend with Him the less you’ll behave the way you used to.








Spend a little time today thinking about your old life. Ask yourself if you’re still carrying things around with you that you should have left sat the foot of the cross years ago?


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your gift of new life. Bless me with the insight to see where I have not surrendered everything to You, help me to see the thing that I need to leave with You and grant that I walk in newness of life evermore. Amen.

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