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2 Samuel Ch apter 14:1-15:12 Absalom’s Life Lessons

by fol CHURCH on April 06, 2020

David’s revenge against Amnon and his rebellion against David is the beginning of the decline of David’s kingdom. Absalom has his sights on being King, but unlike David his father, he lacks a heart for God. Absalom has just run away to Geshur where his grandfather King Talmai lives. Absalom knows that he will be welcome here. Joab is fiercely loyal to David and figures that it is dangerous to have Absalom stewing away in a distant country and feels that the safest thing to do is bring about a reconciliation between father and son. So, Absalom returns, but does not see his father for two years. In this time, Absalom grows more and more bitter against David, because David has offered only a partial reconciliation and he is banished from Israel. When Absalom finally meets David again, David offers him forgiveness for the wrong he has done, without any repentance on Absalom’s’s part.

Absalom would have made an excellent King and the people loved loved him, but….

he lacked inner character and control, his looks and skills did not make up for his lack of personal integrity, he continued to sin, he relied heavily on the advice of others, but he wasn’t wise enough to evaluate the counsel he received, he was unable to see that he was wrong and needed forgiveness,he rejected his father’s love and ultimately God’s love

LESSONS FROM HIS LIFE: Be aware of pride. Absalom thought he could rule the country better than his father. Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves.” Deal with rebellion. This is different from disobedience. When we disobey we simply do not carry out what we are instructed. When we rebel, we purposely do the opposite of what we are told. Never take revenge. Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge my friends, but leave  room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge. I will repay.’ says the Lord.”







Father God, through these lessons, teach us how to respond when we are wronged. Prod us to pray daily for all in authority. We may not always agree with their decisions, but keep us humble and not insist on our own way. Show us how to pray for others, being sensitive to their feelings and how our words and actions can have impact. Teach us how to make time to encourage and affirm others, so that we and all around us may grow in the joy of knowing you. Amen.

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