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Acts 1 1:2 – 13 The Beginning of a New Era

by fol CHURCH on September 11, 2020

According to Church tradition, Luke wrote the Book of Acts, probably abut AD 63.  If he did, then this Book is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke.  Both Books are dedicated to Theophilus, and the vocabulary and style are very similar in the two Books.  Theophilus was the High Priest in the Second Temple in Jerusalem from 37 to 41 CE, according to Josephus.  Furthermore, there are frequent uses of medical terms, which agree with Luke being a physician, and the use of “we” in the narratives of Paul’s Journeys implies that Luke was a travelling companion of Paul. 

The Book of Acts cannot be described as “slow” or “relaxed” and as we read we will discover “Old Friends” from the Gospels, but be introduced to “New Friends” too!   There are many exciting events to learn about, and great truths to grasp.  “Acts” is an important and encouraging “follow-up” to the Gospels, for it is vitally important that we understand and grasp the impact our Lord Jesus had after He had left this earth and ascended to heaven, as well as when He was here on the earth.  Luke wanted to write this Book to preserve an inspired record and commentary on the earliest history of the Church, and Scholars tell us that Acts is the most reliable volume on early Church History that we will ever read!

The opening chapters tell how the Church was born, as we read of the occasion when Jesus met with His disciples for the last time.  However, the disciples had the assurance and then the experience of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!  When the disciples returned to Jerusalem they met together for prayer, but they also began to reorganise themselves as well, with Matthias replacing Judas.  Try to imagine the scene in that upper room as the gift of the Holy Spirit was given to them! It was an occasion never to be forgotten, as the wind of the Holy Spirit blew through the building and the tongues of fire rested on each head in the room.  They spoke in foreign languages hitherto unknown, and people wrongly assumed that they were all drunk!  I read recently that we should never think that something is insignificant if it is invisible!








Dear Father God, Thank you for Luke and all he wrote for us in his Gospel and in the Book of Acts.  Thank you too that your Word has been preserved enabling us day by day to learn more about you.  We pray for those of our friends and family who have not received the touch of your Holy Spirit, and we ask by name that they might know your transforming touch.  Amen.

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