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John 19 Pain Because of Joy?

by on April 26, 2024

I have generally read through this chapter and the other similar passages quickly, we all know the story, Jesus is put on trial and then crucified and then we move on to His resurrection. But this time it was different, some of the reality hit me of what Jesus went through, so I stopped and read and reread them over again, allowing myself to really sit and attempt to grasp it all. It’s hard to not to shy away and skim read over it, but try and imagine it all.

Jesus was flogged with a lead-tipped whip. He had a crown of thorns forced into His head. He was mocked. He was beaten. He was rejected. Then we continue to read - His pain and torture wasn’t over.  He was made to carry His cross, in extreme agony. He had nails hammered through His hands and feet, and was then left hanging on a cross, heaving Himself up to try and continue to breathe, until He eventually suffocated due to complete exhaustion and died. 

We can only really attempt to try and understand the level of pain Jesus went through. But reading it now I want to shout at them to stop and leave Jesus alone, to help Him carry his cross, to remove the thorns from his head and help clean the wounds they had caused. It makes me feel sick and angry. Jesus went through all that for me, for you, for us. Oh, Jesus your love is incomprehensible.

But Jesus knew this needed to happen, He knew the Father’s will. I’m sure he didn’t find it easy, but He never faltered, His eyes firmly on God. He knew the bigger plan. Check out this amazing verse in Hebrews 12:2 ‘…Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame…’. The joy - that’s us! Having a right relationship with God, living in the resurrection power, and life in eternity with God. That’s what Jesus did for us. The joy of relationship with each other, forever.









Spend some time reflecting on all that Jesus went through, so we could be in relationship with God - how can you keep your eyes fixed on God when it is hard? Read Hebrews 12:1-13.

Do you need to ask for forgiveness? Spend time repenting, receiving God’s forgiveness and then praising and thanking Jesus for the freedom He brought for us.

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