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Ecclesiastes 3:1 – 5:20 Gladness of Heart

by fol CHURCH on August 07, 2020

This passage, long as it is, is perhaps one of the best known in the Old Testament. That is possibly because of the well-known song Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds released in 1965, but also because it is often used at wedding and funerals so we’re familiar with the words.

When you sift through the words and verses the message is actually quite simple. It asks what is it that absorbs your time and your energy and how much of that is really important? I don’t know how you feel about life but I know that there are some things that I find particularly fulfilling and others that I do because I have to or because it’s part of my job. But I also know that I do things because as I do them they can draw me close to God. During lock-down I’ve found myself taking up some little projects. Initially I wondered if I was doing that because I wanted my mind to be occupied by something other than the terrible things that were filling our news broadcasts, but I realised that doing creative things draws me into a place where I can spend time with God. Sometimes I can feel synergy there.

I’m reminded that we are made in God’s image and that He is our Creator. It’s natural for us to be creative too. As I work I find that making things and mending things satisfies a need to be as I’m made – creative.

I really enjoyed the last 2 verses of chapter 5,

19“When God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil – this is a gift of God. 20 They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.”

If we can make the time to reflect on the things God has given us, to enjoy our gifts and abilities and to rest in His presence as we do so we will be rich indeed. If we lose ourselves in a never ending journey searching for more we will never be satisfied and we will lose sight of the one who created us.








Heavenly Father, help us all to find you in the simple things. Help us to see You in the quiet places and in the gifts you’ve given us. Help us to see Your hand at work in the things we do and bless us with Your peace in all things. Amen.

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