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Ephesians 3:12 Trusting

by on February 03, 2025

12In Him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.


Brimming with self-confidence is not a particularly attractive way to be, heedless of other people, never wrong – sounds a bit like an irritating person – sounds a bit like me! Are you friends with or a relative of one of those sorts of people? They tell you it’s all going to be all right even when it blatantly isn’t; they trust in themselves when they really shouldn’t. They behave as if they know the future, when in fact they really don’t, and a fall is imminent.

Hang on a minute…. this promise is urging us to have a mindset like that! Not trusting in ourselves but in Jesus; trusting in His Blood, trusting in His Cross and all His Faithfulness. Actually flying, leaping, stepping out fearlessly because at last that truth is not just perching in our heart now and again, but actually has taken up residence, has made a nest in our subconscious.  It is really going to be all right – not because you haven’t had that cancer diagnosis, or that bully at work, or your kids keep you awake all night worrying or the gas bill does but BECAUSE HE (our King, our Warrior, our Lover, our Creator, our Hammer) IS GOD. Because all He said about Himself is true in the heavenly places, on the earth and HERE in our brains AND in the depth of our being. He has placed His Word in our hearts.

And, because it is true, you can do all things in Christ: the big and the little with your hand in His. Consciously open your hand to take His; say out loud, “Thank you, Jesus that You have even …… (fill in the blank with a list if you like!) in Your Hands.”

For I know who I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day’ 2 Tim 1.12







Father, King Jesus, lovely Holy Spirit, I allow these truths to percolate into my heart and my spirit. You are the TRUTH, so I know this promise is true. Amen.

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