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Exodus 34:26 Give the Best to God

by on February 17, 2025

“Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.”


This verse contains two distinct commands that at first glance seem unrelated. The command to bring the first fruits to God’s house was a common practice representing the first and best portion of the harvest. This symbolised the Israelites acknowledgement that everything they had was a gift from God and in so doing were expressing their gratitude and dependence on God. The prohibition against cooking a young goat in its mother’s milk is less clear. It is believed it was related to a pagan ritual and by forbidding it God was ensuring that His people did not adopt pagan customs that were incompatible with their worship of Him.

This verse emphasises the idea that worship involves offering the best of what we have to God. The prohibition signifies a call to holiness and that as God’s people we are called to live differently to the secular society in which we live avoiding pagan rituals and practices. These two commands highlight the importance of both what we offer to God and how we live out our faith. When we make an ‘offering’ to God we should always consider what is the best of what we have to offer to God. This is not only about offering the first fruits of harvest but includes the offering of our time, talents and resources. This principle challenges us to consider how we prioritise God in our lives and whether we are giving Him the first and the best of what we have. Further that we should be mindful of the influences we allow into our lives ensuring that our practices and conduct are in line with God’s standards rather the world’s.






How do you ensure that you are offering the best of your time, talents and resources to God? In what ways might you be tempted to adopt practices or attitudes that are not in line with God’s standards?


Thank you, Lord, for all of your provision in life. Help me to dedicate the best of what you have given me to you in worship and praise. Protect me from the evil one that I may resist the temptations of this world remaining faithful to your word and commands. Amen.

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