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Exodus 34:31 Restoring a Right Relationship with God

by on February 18, 2025

“But Moses called to them: so, Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them.”


Moses had just spent forty days on Mount Sinai receiving the law again after the first tablets were broken. When Moses descended with his face radiating God’s glory the people were naturally fearful. Understanding their fear Moses called them back. Aaron and the other leaders responded to his call and came near so that Moses could speak to them. This verse depicts Moses’ role as mediator between God and His people restoring communication between them. This verse also speaks to the importance of leadership in the community of faith and the need for leaders who can bridge the gap between God and His people by guiding them back into fellowship with God.

This reminds us of the importance of leadership and mediation in the faith community. It encourages us to value those who lead us with integrity, humility and love who help us to bridge the gap between us and God especially in times of fear and uncertainty. We are constantly challenged to respond to God’s call on our lives to live lives worthy to be called children of God. God’s desire is for an intimate relationship with each and every one of us. Unfortunately, too many times earthly interference and influence can become a block in our relationship. In the worst of times we can find it difficult to return to the path that restores the right relationship that God and we desire. God’s love for us is evident in the way He provides leaders like Moses to help and guide His people and ensure they do not remain distant from Him. For those called into leadership in the church having the cure of souls means exactly that, helping all God’s people into a right and intimate relationship with their creator.






How does the concept of mediation and leadership in this verse challenge you to support those who guide you in your faith journey particularly when there is a lot of negativity about trust and integrity in the church? How can you be a source of comfort and guidance to others who may feel distant from God?


Thank you, Lord, for all who faithfully respond to your call to guide and lead your people in a right relationship with you. Help me I pray to be conscious of those who may feel far away from you and give me the words and wisdom to help them return to You. Amen.

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