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Hebrews 3 Jesus Greater than Moses

by on October 15, 2024

In the first two chapters of Hebrews, we saw that the living God has spoken through His Son and why it’s crucial for us to pay attention to the message delivered through Him. 

We also saw how Jesus is superior to angels. Angels were messengers of God’s Word.

Jesus is God’s Word. Jesus took on humanity so that he might become our faithful and great High priest and redeem mankind’s authority to rule the earth. As the people of God, we have a heavenly calling because of our trust and faith in Jesus. We have been called to partner with Him in sharing the good news of the gospel. 

It’s interesting how the author encourages his readers to consider Jesus as our apostle and High Priest before going on to discuss his superiority over Moses. Consider Jesus – the one who God sent not only to reveal the exact representation of Himself but to deliver His message of salvation for all through the sacrifice of Himself. He also was the one who has passed through the heavenly tabernacle and lives to intercede for us as our High Priest.

Numbers 14 tell us how God’s people sinned against Him through unbelief. The Lord was ready to lead them into the Promised Land. However, most of the nation were afraid of the inhabitants of the land at that time. They failed to trust God to protect and provide. Instead, they grumbled against Moses and disobeyed him.

Because the people failed to trust God, he caused them to wander through the wilderness for an additional 40 years. Most of them did not enter the Promised Land.

We are called to follow after the Son, in a different way the Old Testament. We are called to respond to the instructions of the Son with absolute obedience. We must hear His voice, pay attention, and follow what God has spoken to us by the Son. 









What does it mean to be part of the house of God?

How do we hold fast to our confidence until the end?


Heavenly Father, thank You that by grace I have been made a child of God and am being built up by You into a spiritual house. Thank You that my life is hid with Christ in God and that I have the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead and guide. I pray that I may live a life that is honouring to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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