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Hebrews 4 Jesus our Great High Priest

by on October 16, 2024

These verses tell us about the confidence believers can have in approaching God boldly for mercy and grace through Jesus.

Verse 14 speaks to the incredible compassion and understanding that Jesus, our high priest, holds for each of us. It highlights the fact that Jesus is not a distant figure, but rather someone who intimately knows and comprehends our struggles, fears, and vulnerabilities. He is not merely a distant deity but a compassionate and empathetic intercessor who walks alongside us in our journey through life.

Have you ever felt like no one truly understands your struggles or your pain? This verse serves as a powerful reminder that Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. He has experienced the full range of human emotions and challenges during His time on earth, making Him uniquely qualified to empathise with our own trials and weaknesses. Jesus, our high priest, stands by our side in times of doubt or hardship, ready to offer comfort, understanding, and grace as our compassionate advocate. Let this verse be a source of reassurance and hope, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles because we have a high priest who truly understands and cares for us.

Through our faith in Jesus, we can come boldly before God in prayer, knowing that we are approaching a loving and compassionate Father who desires to hear our prayers and help us in our times of trouble. This assurance allows us to pray with confidence, knowing that God hears our cries and will respond in accordance with His perfect will and timing. We can approach the throne of grace without fear or hesitation by understanding the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross and the access to God that it provides. This knowledge empowers us to lay our requests, concerns, and thanksgiving before God with confidence, knowing that He is a gracious and merciful God who is faithful to hear and answer our prayers according to His good and perfect plan.









When challenges arise, let’s bravely reach out to Him, receiving the compassion and empowerment needed to overcome.


Today, will you join me in approaching Him with bold hearts and humble spirits, tapping into His unwavering support and resilience for our journey in this ever-changing world?

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