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Hebrews 6 A Greater Promise

by on October 18, 2024

Much debate has ensued about whether or not it is possible for those who have turned to Christ to subsequently lose their salvation. In John 10:27-29 Jesus promises that it is impossible for the enemy to snatch his ‘sheep’ out of the Father’s hand. On the other hand, Jesus also, in Matthew 7:21 says ‘Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of heaven’. So, what exactly is the position of those who fall away? As I say, much debate!

The language of thorns and thistles reminds us of the parable of the sower, in which Jesus points to the way in which persecution, worries and wealth can lead us away from following Jesus. The genuine follower of Jesus will bear the marks of discipleship. So, let’s not be complacent today. Obviously, discipleship has a cost attached to it. Different for each one of us: but Jesus does not promise endless blue skies and wall to wall sunshine in our life. There will be hardship to endure, there will be sacrifices to make. Diligence and discipline mark a Iife following Jesus.

So, this somewhat harsh passage is an encouragement for us to watch our own lives, make sure that we are shaped by a Kingdom culture, resisting the temptation to be conformed to the culture of the world. Tough – that’s why we need one another!  (Oh, and the Holy Spirit).

But, what about those we know who ‘fall away’, stop coming to church? Well, maybe they never made a real commitment in the first place. Or, maybe they were connected to Christians rather than Christ. Or, maybe they tasted and were still not satisfied, so went looking for ‘God’ in other places. We don’t know. But, overall the message of the Gospel is of a God who searches for the lost sheep and who wants everyone to come to repentance. Maybe v.4-6 says more about the heart of the person who falls away than the heart of the God who has made himself known in the person of Jesus Christ.







Abraham waited 25 years for the promise of Isaac to be fulfilled. Now, we live in a greater promise secured by Jesus, who has gone ahead of us to prepare a place of eternal dwelling in a renewed world. It is a sure and certain hope. Rejoice! 

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