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Hebrews 7 A High Priest Who Meets Our Need

by on October 21, 2024

Melchizedek is a mysterious character who suddenly appears, and then just as swiftly disappears, from public view in the Scriptures (Genesis 14:18-20). He is a man (a king) who is seen as a type of Christ – his name means king of righteousness and he hails from Salem which makes him king of peace. He is both king and priest – and of his priesthood there is no recorded end. In this way he points to the reign of Christ who is both king and priest forever and ever.

In comparing and contrasting Melchizedek to Jesus some helpful points are made.

God’s ultimate aim is to establish an intimate relationship with His people – one that lasts forever. The old Levitical system was ineffective, weak and useless, being unable to bring this about. In Jesus we have a better hope – only He can deal with sin – and the means by which we can draw near to God. He has taken the initiative in establishing an enduring relationship with us.  Only He is a priest who lives for ever. He has a permanent priesthood – he is the One who stands between us and God – and he alone is perfect (without sin). He is both priest and sacrifice, therefore able to save in every way those who turn to him. Jesus, Himself, by his death on the cross, is the guarantor of the covenant.

He is always interceding for us. What an encouragement it is to know that not only do we have access to the Father ourselves, able to talk and listen to him, but, especially when words fail us, to know that Jesus prays on our behalf, advocates for us, strengthens and upholds us.

Jesus is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. He has been made perfect for ever and is fully committed to presenting us before His Father as those who have been made perfect because of Him. Wow! May we live up to His expectations today!








Read Romans 8:31-34. The chapter finishes with the famous declaration that ‘Nothing … will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rejoice!’

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