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Hebrews 8 A Better Covenant

by on October 22, 2024

Hebrews chapters 8-10 focus on how Jesus Christ transforms God’s relationship with His People, ushering in a ‘better covenant’.

The writer argues that Jesus is better! A new and living way.  The new covenant is better than the old. Jesus is the better High Priest, indeed the best High Priest. The gifts, the sacrifices, the ritual of the Temple and the Tabernacle all pointed to and created a way for God to have fellowship with His people. But they were a copy and a shadow of the good things to come. Now Jesus has died and risen the old has gone. This book was written before 70 AD when the Temple in Jerusalem was indeed destroyed, gone!

Jesus’ new covenant has replaced and exceeded the old.

Much of chapter 8 is an unpacking of Jeremiah 31. 31 -34 – a prophecy about the renewed relationship between God and His people.  A move from external acts of worship and sacrifice to a devoted, sacrificed heart. Instead of the ‘old’ Law bound in tiny boxes on your forehead and on the door posts of your houses (the ‘tefillin’ and ‘mezuzah’– God’s law written on paper and kept in a box). God says ‘I’m going to go better than that… I am going to write my Word on your heart and put it in your mind (remember we are promised that we have ‘the mind of Christ’). The ‘better’ is repeated.

God says ‘I am not just going to dwell with you, I am going to dwell in you.’ Better.

The notes in the NIV are very helpful here to unpack 8::8-12 which directly quotes Jeremiah. 

The prophecy promises

  1. God’s laws will become inner principles – the outside law is coming into the HEARTS, enabling us to delight in His ways and His laws, His will - all part of us.
  2. Intimacy between God and His people “I will be their God…”
  3. Sinful ignorance of God will be removed forever
  4. Forgiveness becomes an everlasting reality.







Think about all that is better because of your friendship with Jesus – write a list! Praise Him!

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