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Isaiah 41 God is in Control

by fol CHURCH on January 23, 2021

Historical Background: The “one from the east” (v.2) is Cyrus the second of Persia (a pagan) who would be king within 11/2 centuries. He conquered Babylon in 539 B.C. and was responsible for the decree releasing the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem.

Interestingly, bearing in mind the rulers of countries in the world today, God used Cyrus to protect and care for Israel. He does the same today, because God is in control of all world empires and politics.

v.4:  “I am He” says God. God’s plan embraces all generations. He sees hundreds of years from now as clearly as hundreds of years ago. When we are concerned about the future, we talk to God.

v.5-7: People are afraid, but they come together to support one another. “Be strong!” Notice how they help each other out. I’ve often heard it said that those who lived through world wars did just that. Communities came together and I’ve noticed that the same has happened during the COVID pandemic. Each generation gets caught up in its own problems, but God is working personally in the lives of His people.

v.8-10: God chose Israel through Abraham because He wanted to, not because the people deserved it. (See Deut 7:6-8 and 9:4-6) God chose the Israelites to represent Him to the world, but they failed to do this. So, God punished them and sent them into captivity.

Now, all believers are God’s chosen people and we all share the responsibility of representing Him to the world. We don’t need to be fearful, because Gods is with us. He has established a relationship with us and He gives us assurance of His strength, help and victory over sin and death.

Take a moment to reflect on how God has helped you.

The middle section of this chapter (v. 11-19) is full of words of encouragement to not be afraid. Remember that God has already shown that He is in control and in verse 20, God promises that everyone will see this.

So, be encouraged today. The world may seem to be in complete turmoil and uncertainty and full of fearful people, but as children of God, we can be certain that He is in complete control.

v.21-24: Israel was surrounded by many nations whose gods supposedly had special powers. These gods, however, failed to deliver. It’s a warning to us today not to put our trust in anything other than God. When God makes a promise, He keeps it.

v.25-29: God says that He knew everything “from the beginning.” Idols are just “wind (or hot air!) and confusion” Bad advice confuses people, so depend on God and nothing else.



Father God, In these days of confusion and uncertainty, help us to rely completely on you as we face doubt and fear. Calm our minds as we look at the world in turmoil and help us to fully understand your love and security. Amen.

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