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Leviticus 21:1 - 22:16 Holy

by fol CHURCH on June 18, 2019

As you read those these commands set by the Lord of how to live holy, you might think they are outdated and irrelevant. Since Jesus came and died for our sins, we get to access all of heaven because He tore the veil. He made a way for everyone. Gentile and Jew. We can come in true repentance into His presence. Looking over these passages though, you will see how God’s desire for purity among His people is a must! And that is still so today.

As Jesus calls us by name, we get to step up and walk in all that He has for us! But we get to choose how much of Him we walk in. He asks us not to be lukewarm! In Matthew 5:48 Jesus tells us to be perfect, just like our heavenly Father. Our desire should be to be like our Father, as we are made in His image. We get to lay down every unclean thing of this world and hold on to who we were made to be.

As you read through this scripture, you see how God is asking His people to not even associate themselves with anything that is impure. Anything that might ruin who they are or might affect their character. God is asking the same of us today!

As I minister to people, I sometimes ask them, ‘if you play with a snake, what is it going to do?’ of course the answer is, ‘it will bite you’. Sometimes things can look harmless, and you wonder why God is asking you not to do something. But the outcome will always be bad because you have touched or got involved with something that is not Holy. You have allowed yourself to do something that is not to the Holy standard that you were created for.

You see how God is protecting His people in this scripture from anything that isn’t Holy. He protects us too. He hasn’t changed and He is still asking for His purity to win in our lives. We do get to choose who wins in our decisions, thoughts and actions.

The great thing is that Jesus has made a way for us, and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!








Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done for us! Thank you for washing us clean and being the amazing example for us to follow. I ask you now to forgive us for our sins and to help us remain pure in you always.

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