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Mark 12 The Economy of God

by on March 28, 2024

One of the major struggles we have in ‘living a life in Christ’ is in understanding exactly what that term means and how we should apply it. The most significant part of that struggle is in the fact that we live in a world that is trying desperately to live life to its own standards.

Jesus taught in this series of parables and sermons that our call is first to acknowledge that we belong to God, that we are the stewards of the earth He created and our charge is to live by His rules and commands not our own. But in teaching that He goes on to acknowledge that mankind needs to have some structures in place to make things work on earth so when you’re asked to pay tax, we should pay it without grumbling. Just don’t ignore the fact that everything you have is God given and that He should be given His due first.

He teaches us that life on earth will look different to life in heaven so don’t try drawing unhelpful comparisons where none can be made. The 2 existences are going to be very different, priorities will be different and our relationship with God will look different too.

He finishes this chapter by reminding us that there are really only 2 things to remember; that we are called to love God first, with all our heart, understanding and strength and then to love our neighbours as ourselves. (vs. 30-31). If we can manage to get those 2 priorities right everything else should naturally fall into place. Our relationship with God will be right, our relationships with each other will be right, our giving will be right, our contributions to society will be right and all will be well with the world!















How do you manage the balance between living well in the world and responding to the call of God to be sacrificial in the way you live your life?


Lord God, please teach us Your ways, lead us in the paths of righteousness and strengthen us to live life well for Your glory. Amen.

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