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Matthew 19 Commitment, Sacrifice and Faithfulness

by on March 18, 2024

Having left Galilee for Judea on the other side of the Jordan Jesus was again followed by large crowds. Among them were some Pharisees, religious leaders who were intent on challenging Jesus about his stance on divorce in an attempt to trick him and discredit his teaching. In reply Jesus reminded them how it was intended from the beginning of creation, that a man is united to his wife and become one flesh and what God has joined together no man should separate. The disciple’s response was to question if it is better not to marry then in the first place. We are challenged every day to remain faithful to our spouse and to God in the vows we take. Marriage takes commitment, sacrifice, compromise and faithfulness in order to succeed. Today there are more couples living together outside of marriage whilst divorce rates remain high. Is commitment and faithfulness a thing of the past?

Following this discourse some children are brought to Jesus to be blessed by him, however, the disciples were not happy that Jesus was being bothered by this and rebuked those who brought the children to him. It reminds me of occasions in some churches I’ve been to that children are to be seen but not heard with condemnation by some if they misbehave or make a noise. Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Children are not the church of the future but are the church today.

The chapter concludes with a question from a rich young man who asks simply, “What good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus replies, “obey the commandments.” The young man says, “All these I have kept.” Jesus then challenges him to sell all his possessions, give to the poor and follow him. It appears that the young man was not prepared to surrender his wealth and leaves saddened. There is only one way to eternal life and that is to do that which the young man felt unable to do, follow Jesus.









Some of the teachings of Jesus are very challenging and counter cultural in our modern society. How do you respond to others when challenged by some of these questions?

How do you respond when you are faced with certain teachings of Jesus in scripture that challenge your own thinking?


Dear Lord God, thank you for your word revealed in scripture and help me I pray to be ever faithful to you and my fellow man. Forgive me when I fail to obey and guide me on to the right path for your namesake. Amen.

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