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Matthew 22 The King’s Invitations

by on March 26, 2024

Historical records tell us that Kings would, at times, honour guests with an invitation to a banquet and it was expected that those invited would respond appropriately with a promise to come. Following this, guests would then receive a second invitation to inform them that the dinner is now ready (no digital timers on their ovens!).

The guests in Jesus’ story had accepted the first invitation but turned 180 degrees at the second call to come. In doing this, the guests were deliberately insulting the dignity of the host who had counted on their attendance and graciously prepared food for them following their response to the first invitation. It’s also worth noticing that it is the whole first group of invited guests who unanimously decided not to attend. For Jesus’ first hearers this must have raised suspicions as to whether this was a concerted plan to deliberately insult the host.

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees here. They were the ‘in crowd’ of God’s people. The ones who clearly had their invitation in hand and were ready to step into God’s Kingdom when the Messiah came to greet them. However, despite their acceptance of the first invitation, when it came to the second call from the host stating that “the food is ready!” They turned up their noses and walked away.

The Pharisees had been waiting and waiting for the Messiah to come, and when he did, they turned away in disgust.

The amazing thing is that they were invited and all they had to do was accept the invitation and show up, but instead they chose to reject what God had laid out for them.

In telling this story Jesus shows the way that God’s Kingdom was missed by ‘all the right people’ and welcomed by ‘all the wrong people’. The outsiders were now insiders and sadly the insiders were cast out. Don’t turn your noses up at Jesus’ invitation to celebrate in God’s Kingdom. Come and receive from him!










Do you know of anyone who has received Jesus’ invitation but turned away? Pray that their hearts might be softened to receive his grace.


Father, please soften ______’s heart so that they can accept your invitation to fullness of life found in Jesus. Amen.

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