Although at the start of Chapter 15 we thought we were going to hear about the final 7 outpourings of wrath, we wait until Chapter 16 for this to begin. Revelation links with Moses and tabernacle worship – just as we saw in Chapter 15 with the redeemed standing by the sea in an echo of Exodus, now we are reminded both of the plagues that God sent to Egypt to secure His people’s release.
Bowls were used in the tabernacle to hold wine for sprinkling, wine to be poured out as a sacrifice to God. Here they contain God’s wrath, very clearly linked to Exodus and the plagues that swept Egypt. Boils, blood, fire, darkness and frogs. Back in Exodus Pharoah let the people go (though changing his mind!); Pharoah responded to all the plagues: here the people do not respond. Instead, they ‘cursed God suggesting that it isn’t that they don’t realise what all this is about, yet still not turning to be healed – echoes again of the Israelites in the desert, echoes perhaps of times when we decided not to wake up and turn back to Jesus in repentance?
It may be that right now God is challenging you about something He has asked you to change or relinquish and you’ve been resisting Him, not wanting to hear His voice, even though you know things are taking on the shape of a disaster. Turn and be healed!
Many historic battles had raged and would rage again in the area that the Revelation churches were – an area fought over through the ages. These little towns caught up in days of battle through the ages. Living in a place of battle is sadly the experience of many people across the world now, some of us can’t face reading the news anymore! But as we read of these End Times battles, the Kings of the World gathering to oppose the true King of Everything.
Pray for all those caught up in warzones now. Our God is the God who sees all of it. Genesis 16.13