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Revelation 20 The Book of Life

by on December 25, 2024

Do you ever give thought to that moment when we come face to face with God at the final day of Judgement? As Christians, those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, our destiny is assured according to scripture - “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. (John 3:16). Chapter 20 of the book of Revelation comes between the account of our Lord’s decisive victory at Armageddon and the descent of the New Jerusalem from heaven to earth. It focuses on the beginning of Jesus’ reign on earth and the throne of Judgement.

It describes a period of the thousand-year reign of Jesus on earth during which Satan has been bound and unable to exert his normal influence on the world. And yet, in spite of this mankind remains desperately sinful and continue to reject God. This is a sad indictment on man’s limitless ability to reject God and follow his own stubborn pride. Even after a thousand years of relative peace and righteousness led by Christ Himself so many will continue to follow Satan. The message is clear, those who oppose God will be soundly defeated. Whilst those whose names are written in the Book of Life (the believers) are welcomed into heaven, every person who did not follow Christ is consigned to the lake of fire. This reality compels me to even more pray for those who do not yet accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, especially those I know and love, that they would have their eyes and hearts opened to receive Him and thereby avoiding condemnation to hell. What follows in the final chapters of Revelation are John’s visions of the eternity believers will share with Christ.








Give thanks to God for His faithfulness and assurance of our place in heaven and pray earnestly for those on your own heart who have yet to say yes to His invitation.

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