John’s vision of the future begins with the simplicity of an open door through which he is invited to walk. As he does, the whole of heaven opens up before him and he sees a vision of God on his throne, surrounded by worshippers giving Him glory, honour and praise. It is a glorious place and, especially in the context of the frailties endured by a suffering first century church, a wonderful picture of security offering a hope and a future. Hope is vital. It often shapes and even defines our emotional reality. It affects how we feel and motivates our actions.
John uses lots of imagery and language from the Old Testament to describe what he sees and hears. There is a rainbow (Noah); jewels (think, temple); thunder and lightning (remember Moses and his encounter with God on Mount Sinai); there are seven blazing lamps (Zech 4:2); the imagery of verse 7 reminds us of the living creatures of Ezekiel 1. There is consistency and a unified picture which spans the Old and New. Jesus is not a ‘new’ God but the full and final revelation of who God is – the One God, Yahweh, made known in all His glory.
I love the way the living creatures are covered with eyes – all the more to behold His glory! The heart of worship involves speaking out words that declare truths about God. About who He is. Note there is no physical description of what God is like here. Instead it is His character and position which are declared. He is worthy. He is holy. He is before all time. He is in control. He is the future. He is glory. He deserves the highest honour. He created all things and He continues to create and sustain all that He has made. He is supreme. Above all.
When we add our words of worship, not only are we joining in with the universal church worldwide, past, present and future; not only are we joining in with the song of all creation; but we are joining the massed choirs of angels surrounding the King of Kings, declaring ‘You are worthy’. Wow!
Spend some time reflecting on the character and nature of God. Who is He to you? What words come to mind?
His invitation to you is to set your mind on things above: as you focus on Him ask Him to show you anything about the day ahead that you need to know. (cf 4:1).